Why is Succession Planning Important for Small Businesses and How an Attorney Can Help
Building a small business requires an investment of time and money. Far too often, many small business owners have no plan for succession once their business is up and running. No plans for the who and how of how a business moves forward without the present ownership is risky. Succession
What Can I Do To Prevent Losing My Business During a Divorce?
Your divorce can create a number of financial and emotional challenges. As you separate from your former spouse, you must divide your possessions and your finances. If you own your own business, you may also need to decide what to do about it in the divorce. You do not want
Protecting a business from divorce is a touchy subject
On behalf of Pedrick Law Group, APC posted in divorce & family business on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. People with a lot of assets in their name may not think of a prenuptial agreement or other protections in the case of divorce. But business owners almost always think of what could