How Does Domestic Violence Factor Into A Divorce In California?
Domestic violence laws in California seek to hold those accountable who often commit crimes behind closed doors against people they know. Marriage is just one of many types of home-sharing relationships that are covered by domestic violence laws. The types of crimes that are punished under the statute are considered abuses
Are There Exceptions to What Is Considered Community Property During Divorce in California?
Anyone that has gone through a divorce or knows someone that has gone through a divorce knows that next to child custody, addressing finances can be the most stressful and time-consuming aspect of the process. It is shocking how even a few years of marriage can accumulate multiple accounts of
“X” Factors That Could Modify Child Support Payment Amounts
Both parents have a responsibility to support their children in California. Although a court can require either parent to pay child support, it is more common for the noncustodial parent to do so. The custodial parent (the parent with whom the child resides) is also responsible for child support, but the
Can You Take Your Child on a Long Vacation If You Have Shared Custody?
Yes, parents can take their children on long vacations while a shared custody agreement exists. Vacations are an excellent way for families to enjoy each other throughout the year. However, what seems like a fun activity can turn into a massive headache for parents dealing with a shared custody agreement